Smiling Albino

Ten Unique Foodie Experiences in Southeast Asia

There are plenty of “Top 10” lists out there, usually focused on a specific topic or location. Here we’ve decided to take a broader view and let you in on some select secrets, our top unique food and beverage experiences from all of Smiling Albino’s travel destinations. These encounters are made possible by exceptionally talented […]

On the Ethics of Photographing Locals

Face it – taking photos is part of who we are these days. It’s not surprising when every 8-year old kid with an iPhone has more options for artistic photography that a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer had only 6 or 8 years ago. Indeed, we love taking photos so much that every day, over 350 […]

The Lowdown on Food and Water in Southeast Asia

thai food

Some of the most common questions we hear are, “Is this water safe to drink?” and, “will this food make me sick?” They’re perfectly legitimate questions. In Southeast Asia, almost all drinking water and ice (and certainly all on a Smiling Albino trip) come from modern factories using treated water.  The main reason for this […]

Is Travel the Best Education?

northern thailand hills adventure

Travel can be a valuable education for families with school-aged children. You’ll be pleasantly amazed how many travel experiences and lessons young people soak up. Smiling Albino plans family holidays in Southeast Asia.